Web Workshops
Scroll Down for Videos and ‘First Aid Kits’
Coming to My Studio via Zoom
My Web Workshops are just the BEST way for us to get together from afar, and enjoy being creative with like-minded people. I prefer to have several small groups happening for each topic so we can get to know each other, and you can talk with your classmates. Way more personal than a webinar!
The meeting room is open 20 minutes before starting time for introductions and to catch up with what classmates have been up to. Everyone is then muted while I ‘do my thing’ for our session. That takes between an hour or one-and-a-half hours. After that, I invite everyone to unmute to ask questions. All sorts of interesting ‘extra thoughts’ arise from these discussions. Please join us!
LINK for the session is emailed to you on the Friday before the next round of workshops. Details for Workshop SPECIALS are sent after each workshop or group of topics.
NOT FAMILIAR WITH ZOOM YET? So simple even I can do it! I’m happy to set up a one-on-one meeting with you so you are comfortable with it before you start in your chosen workshop program.
Introductory Web Workshops
These workshops are ‘demonstration style’ when you join me via Zoom.
Introductory Web Workshop 1 - Fabric Designing with Liquid Radiance
The ‘what, why, and how’ of using this very different design system. Liquid Radiance is non-toxic and non-polluting, and can be used on any fabric whatsoever! It is light fast and colourfast, and totally washable and iron-able. It is VITAL TO REMEMBER that although Liquid Radiance will penetrate the fibres of fabric in the same way a dye does, it is NOT a dye by formulation. Having worked with the complexities of dyes for many years, I wanted a product that was simple, safe and more economical to use. Yes Liquid Radiance really was developed from an idea while relaxing in the bath! My ideas were then taken to our Australian manufacturers for them to 'work their magic' and make it happen !!! WE DID IT !!!!! This first workshop will teach you THE RULES and good habits when using the products. You’ll see just how simple the techniques are, and how brilliant the end results when the fabrics are dry.
Introductory Web Workshop 2 - Lots More Fabric Designing with Liquid Radiance
You’ve learnt ‘the rules’ – now let’s explore further using marbles and poles, grids and all sorts of other things to form our patterns. More tips of icebergs, more thinks to look for in your cupboards or in the shed. Yes Liquid Radiance IS non-toxic so you can go to the kitchen cupboards and find things that will be very useful for our fabric designing, then use them later for cooking or serving food. No expensive equipment required. No ‘extras’ to have to rush out and buy. SAFE – SIMPLE – ECONOMICAL. That’s my way of thinking.
Introductory Web Workshop 3 - Traditional Silk Painting: The Basics
From using the right silk to stretching it on a frame or other suitable 'thing', applying the resist lines then painting the design, the workshop will cover the basics to help you enjoy this beautiful painting skill. You'll learn the good habits - and I'll show you some 'other' habits too! It's also a great opportunity to demonstrate a few more fabric designing ideas that lend themselves to working on silk, but can be used on other fabrics as well. Although we know that Liquid Radiance will colour any fabric whatsoever, this traditional silk painting style cannot be done on just ANY fabric - because nobody can make silk like a silkworm! It's the simplicity of the weave and strength of the threads that allow the resist lines to penetrate the stretched silk, forming the 'little dams' to hold the colour in as we paint.
Even More Introductory Web Workshops
These workshops are ‘demonstration style’ when you join me in the Studio.
Introductory Web Workshop 5 - “Simply Stencilled” - 1
When is a stencil not a stencil? When you can use it for all sorts of other creative things as well! Let's explore a range of techniques in this session to help you make your fabric art just as individual as you are. Please also go to my website and download the many notes and other resources, and remember I'm as close as an email for personal assistance too.
ONE CORRECTION TO NOTE: When I talk about Heliography (Sun Printing), where the fabric is coloured with Liquid Radiance, then flat objects put on to form the design, please note that I should have said "What is under the objects goes lighter, while what is around the objects goes lighter." Apologies for that 'oops'! It is corrected on Stencilling 2 video. :) Anne
Introductory Web Workshop 6 - “Simply Stencilled” - 2
Let's take our stencilling skills further, talk about the different types of paint, and achieve a great 'screen printed' look using simple stencils and foam rollers - my own design - to help you achieve perfect results. We'll also look at how to create a stencil from your own design, and play with the luxury of our Liquid Lustre paints for luxurious metallic and pearl colours.
Introductory Web Workshop 4 - Traditional Silk Painting: Even More Sensational Silk!
Sadly the video for this workshop has been ‘lost in transit’ and is somewhere in cyberspace, presumably! It will be re-recorded soon, so watch this space. I thank you for your patience. This video is the WW 3 session.
You can find the notes and resources for this session in the “First Aid Kits” below. They will help you to get started in the meantime.
Advanced Web Workshops
PREREQUISITE: Watch the first two Introductory Web Workshop sessions before you begin, so you understand ‘the basics’.
Advanced Web Workshop - Salt Mountains
Different salts can be used for all sorts of fabric designing skills, and for working on garments too. Let's discover even more effects in this oh-so-simple technique. Whether in one-colour or multi-colour techniques, the salt when applied in 'mountains' will produce spectacular results. But remember that you MUST rinse your fabrics after the salt is removed. This workshop program will give you plenty of information to build your skills with confidence.
Advanced Web Workshop - Controlled Salting
Can we really control salt when fabric designing? Well, no! But in this workshop we apply colours and salt in a way that creates 'controlled' patterns by adding weights to our fabrics as we colour them. Different salts will work in different ways. Come and explore with me using this very simply technique.
Advanced Web Workshop - Instant Fabrics in the Microwave
Using the heat and steam of a microwave oven, we'll create a multitude of amazing patterns and designs in fabrics and garments. Liquid Radiance, the product I am using, is NOT a dye! My own formulation, it is non-toxic and non-polluting. It is perfectly safe to use the same microwave oven for 'cooking' fabrics as well as preparing food!
More Advanced Web Workshops
PREREQUISITE: Watch the first two Introductory Web Workshop sessions before you begin, so you understand ‘the basics’.
Advanced Web Workshop - Designing with Water Soluble Resist
Ahhh ... water soluble resist! What an amazing product! Originally designed as a water based resist ("gutta") for silk painting, exploring its versatility - yes, by playing with it in "I wonder what will happen if ..." mode - has resulted in so much more creativity! In this workshop you will learn just some of those exciting results. We'll work through layers of fabric to produce many different effects, depending on the colouring methods we use for the fabrics. Then because the resist is 'water soluble', it rinses out quickly and easily in water when our works of art are completely dry. This workshop will really get you going ... HAVE FUN !!!
Advanced Web Workshop - More Water Soluble Techniques PLUS Working with Ice!
We'll play with two really fun - and simple - ways to achieve great results in your fabric designing. You will have discovered the versatility of our own product, Water Soluble Resist, during the Introductory workshops. Now let's take its use even further and give you more techniques to play with!
And ICE? Mmmm, I hope you enjoy our own very simple way of working with ice cubes, easily made in your home freezer, and adding Liquid Radiance colours to achieve unique results. This video will get you started.
“First Aid Kits” for Web Workshops
Use these notes as extra resources and handy references during our Zoom sessions, and after our Web Workshops are over. Watching these sessions via YouTube? The resources are here to help you too.
Intro WW 1
The What, Why and How of LR
Intro WW 5
Simply Stencilled!
Intro WW 2
LR - Lots More Basic Skills!
Intro WW 6
Even More Uses for Stencils
Intro WW 3
Sensational Silk - The Basics
Intro WW 4
Even More Sensational Silk!
Notes and Notions from All Over!
Some of these notes may appear in other places too
Check out these notes as handy references for your fabric designing. Many will be summary notes from Zoom workshop programs, so if you’d like further information or explanations, please contact me.