Workshops and Events Calendar
Check the details below to see what's happening each month. Scroll to the relevant month and click on links for more information about individual events.
Join in my regular workshops
Hands-On in my Toowoomba Studio, and via Zoom to wherever you are in the world!
Major Events 2025
Professional Learning Workshops
Hands-On and Via Zoom
January School Holidays
VENUE: My Toowoomba Studio
Check the Teacher PDs page in the Ed Centre
Arts in the Valley
Project-style Workshops
Sat 14 and Sun 15 June
VENUE: Lockyer Valley - more details soon
Regular Events
Web Workshops, Hands-On Workshops
Web Workshops via Zoom - join me in person in my Toowoomba Studio. 2024 program is up and running. Workshops, both hands-on and demonstration style, continue as “In Focus” programs on specific topics throughout the year.
Hands-on Workshops in my Toowoomba Studio - long programs on the drawing board in January, May, September school holidays, and mid-October. One or two day programs as able throughout the year. Watch this page for details. Email me with your interest in attending now.
Plan Your Own Event
You come to me or I come to you!
Plan your own workshop program with your interest group or friends, at my Studio or your venue. Happy to drive to you for a two or three day workshop program if within three hours from my home. Fees apply if travelling to your venue. Ask me!
“Taster” Workshops - 2 to 3 hours - are great if you and your group would like to learn more about our techniques and products. Secure your date now.
“Zoom Room Workshops” - Plan your own program. Together we’ll decide on length of time, and topic to suit you. This program can be demonstration style or hands-on. Let’s talk about it.
April, May and June 2025
Daylight Saving Time ends early April
Flowers Course of Six Lessons continues
Prac via Zoom
Thursdays 3 & 10 - 9.30 am
Saturdays 5 & 12 - 1.30 pm (2 pm when daylight saving finishes)
Holiday Workshops via Zoom will be announced soon. Watch this space.
Next Professional Development workshops will be held in the mid-year school holidays. My Studio is having a make-over so there’ll be no hands-on programs in there until after 1st July ‘25
Please remember that there’s plenty of information available for you in the Ed Centre of this website, as well as on YouTube.
Where to start?
Intro Web Workshops 1 and 2 will get you going with using our Liquid Radiance colours! Look for the support notes in the “First Aid Kits” section of the Web Workshops page
Intro Web Workshop 3 has traditional silk painting skills. Workshop 4 is yet to be recorded, but you’ll find notes in the “First Aid Kits” section.
Intro Web Workshops 5 and 6 will help you explore a huge range of fabric painting skills, from printing and stencilling to … well, get in there and have a look!
Flowers Course of Six Lessons
Final Sessions via Zoom
Thursday 1 & 8 - 9.30 am
Saturday 3 & 10 - 2 pm
“Basics and Way Beyond!”
Monday 12 May in my Toowoomba Studio
from 9.30 till 3.30 pm
Private workshop with a
Queensland Quilters’ interest group.
Special Event Special Event Special Event
Studio Expo
Friday 16 till Monday 19 May
Open from 9.30 am till 4 pm each day
Hand coloured fabrics for sale, mainly $1, but some at 50 c and $2 per piece. Some to give away! More give-aways - equipment, books and gadgets that I no longer need in multiples for our classes and workshops.
Special Discounts for all who come (fabrics above excepted)
Display of techniques - new and old favourites, including from my projects in Embellish magazine.
Demonstrations on request.
Play table for you to try a technique or two while you’re here.
CALL IN via the Studio door for a few minutes
or stay as long as you wish.
ZOOM IN by appointment to join in the fun.
Phone or text me to ‘let you in’.
Understanding Fabric Art Workshop
Saturday 24 May at 2 pm
Prac via Zoom - allow approx 3 hours
Exploring textures, from rubbings and printing skills to perfection in stencilling with rollers, and
lots more in between.
Program to be advised. Watch this space.
I shall now not be attending Arts in the Valley in mid-June due to personal commitments that weekend.
July, August & September 2024
Details for 2025 will be added ASAP
On Monday 1 July 2024, Genesis Creations will be 25 years old !!! Let’s celebrate with …
at my Toowoomba Studio
10.30 am till 3 pm
Come for demonstrations, displays, mini-workshops, and sharing ideas and skills with those who enjoy our products as much as you do.
Receive a bag of goodies on arrival!
REGISTRATION ESSENTIAL. Numbers must be limited so we can all fit comfortable into the Studio, patio, and back garden.
Saturday 6 July, from 10 am
Everything will happen as above, except we’ll see each other via our ‘gadgetry’. Ahhhh, how good is it to be able to do things now, that were not possible in the past! REGISTRATIONS OPEN NOW.
Super Special DISCOUNTS across our product range in July, PLUS limited release products just for the occasion. Watch this space!
This will be an ‘event’ in itself !!!
in the MICROWAVE (2)
Let’s work together in this PRAC workshop too!
Tuesday 16 July from 9.30 am till 12 noon
Thursday 18 July from 9.30 till 12 noon
Saturday 20 July from 2 till 4.30 pm
ALL TIMES AEST (that is Brisbane time)
A Taste of Creativity
Friday 2 August in my Toowoomba Studio
from 1.30 till 4 pm
Private workshop with a local interest group.
Saturday 3 August via Zoom at 2 pm
Prac Workshop - Microwave session 2
(postponed from July date)
2 VACANCIES - Phone or email me to register
Exploring Salts & Sugars
Lots of colouring methods, lots of salts and sugars … LOTS OF FUN and CREATIVITY!
Thu 8 Aug at 9.30 am
Sat 10 Aug at 2 pm
Allow approx 2 to 2 1/2 hours per session. Same topics each day. Choose the day that suits you best. BOOK NOW! Numbers are limited for these hands-on workshops via Zoom.
HEIAQ Conference
Saturday 24 August at Brisbane Convention Centre
I shall be presenting a 65 minute workshop during the concurrent sessions after lunch, at the invitation of the planning committee.
PDs for Textiles and Art Teachers
Hands-On in my Toowoomba Studio
First program - Tue 17, Thu 19, & Sat 21 Sept. from 9.30 am till 4 pm each day
to attend the above workshops
Plus … PDs for Textiles and Art Teachers
via Zoom - always FREE to attend
Dates Tue 24, Thu 26 & Sat 28 Sept
Same workshops each day.
Choose the day that suits you best. These will be Prac workshops so you’ll be working along with me. A Prep List will be sent when you register.
9.30 am - Innovative Technology for Fabric Designing in the Textiles Classroom
1 pm - Extending the skills even further
REGISTER NOW - Phone Anne on 0418 771 808
Allow 2 1/2 to 3 hours per session per session, with meet and greet before start time, and with Q and A discussions as we go. Morning and afternoon sessions are a continuous program. Attending both is advisable. Certificates provided.
All times are AEST.________________________
Please note - I have asked to be omitted from the list of Traders at this year’s event (2024) by the Toowoomba Quilters so I can concentrate on giving my time and effort to the PD workshops for teachers (see above). But don’t miss that magnificent event, if you can possibly attend.
October, November & December ‘24
Back in daylight saving time again! Queensland does not have time adjustment.
Please adjust the times advertised below to comply with your time zone.
Hands-on Workshop Program in my Toowoomba Studio - 9.30 am till 4 pm each day
Thu 17 - Fabulous Fabrics: Basics and Beyond
Fri 18 - Fabulous Fabrics: Big and Beautiful
Sat 19 - Understanding Fabric Art: Printing, Stencilling and LOTS more! - 1 place left
Sun 20 - Working with Metallics and Pearls - 1 place left
Mon 21 - FREE DESIGN DAY - do it your way, with my help!
Tue 22 and Wed 23 - Sensational Silk - a two-day continuous workshop in traditional silk painting techniques - 2 places left
WORKSHOP FEES: $80 per day
SPECIAL DISCOUNTED PRICES when attending more than one day, or the entire program. See details on Information and Registration form - button below.
With max 5 places available per day, these workshops will book out quickly! Register now.
Prac Workshops via Zoom
Working along with me is desirable, but optional. You may join in and just watch if you wish.
TOPIC 1: Exploring Salts and Sugars
This is a repeat of the very popular workshops held in August this year, for those who were unable to join in at the last minute … and anyone else who’d like to play too of course.
Thu 7 - 9.30 am till 12 noon
Sat 9 - 2 till 4.30 pm
TOPIC 2: Water Soluble Resist - How can YOU Resist It!
Focusing on this exclusively-ours product, we’ll explore as many of its amazing applications as we can in our time together … layers, folds, symmetrical designs, mandalas, simple batik to name a few.
Thu 21 - 9.30 am till 12 noon
Sat 23 - 2 till 4.30 pm
BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL. Numbers will be limited for each session. A prep list will be sent to you after you register.
Prac Workshops in my Studio, and via Zoom
TOPIC: Getting Christmassy
No Christmas Workshop in my Studio this year. Sorry, girls. Medical appointments during the weeks up to Christmas must be adhered to. I think it’s called ‘Mother - and Father - Maintenance’.
DATES via Zoom:
Thursday 5 Dec - 9.30 am till 12 noon
REGISTER NOW - Phone or Email Me
We will be open for business right up until Christmas Eve. Phone or email for appointments to visit my Studio in person, or email me.
Closed between Christmas and New Year, reopening on Thursday 2nd January 2025
Unable to join in the live Web Workshops or hands-on programs in my Studio? There’s plenty of information available for you in the Ed Centre and on my YouTube channel.
Wanting to check things out? Go to the Web Workshops page.
Intro Web Workshops 1 and 2 will get you going with using our Liquid Radiance colours. Look for the support notes in the “First Aid Kits” section. Scroll down that page..
Intro Web Workshop 3 has traditional silk painting skills. Workshop 4 is yet to be recorded, but you’ll find notes in the “First Aid Kits” section.
Intro Web Workshops 5 and 6 will help you explore a huge range of fabric painting skills, from printing and stencilling to … well, get in there and have a look!
My YouTube channel has videos galore. featuring individual topics in short presentations to help you learn, or revise what we have done together.

January, February & March
All times advertised are AEST (Brisbane time)
January ‘25
PD Workshops for Textiles & Art Teachers
Next PDs in Fabric Design 2025 … Hands-On and via Zoom … workshop topics will be customised to best assist those participating.
JANUARY - Hands-On in my Studio, or Prac sessions via Zoom
ONE FULL DAY of learning skills for use in the classroom, or for your personal enjoyment - 9.30 am till 3.30 pm, with a
1/2 hour break for lunch. (Times AEST)
DATES: Toowoomba: Thu 9 and Sat 11 January
Via Zoom: Mon 13 and Tue 14 January
Hands-on in My Studio - $80.00 per day - includes use of my equipment and some fabrics, plus unlimited use of my colours and paints. A very short ‘To Bring’ list will be sent to you when you register.
Via Zoom - all workshops are FREE to attend. A PREP LIST for these workshops will be sent when you register, in plenty of time to get your gear together. If you have our LR colours, there’ll be nothing else to buy. You’ll have everything you need at home.
REGISTRATION - contact me soon by phone or email. With just six people per session, these usually book out quickly.
And there’s more …
Hands-On Workshops via Zoom
Introduction to Silk Painting
A program in the basics of traditional silk painting, enough to start you working in this beautiful skill.
Thu 30 Jan at 9.30 am - NEW DATE, postponed from 17/01 due to a medical procedure happening on my foot in mid-January!
Sat 18 Jan at 1.30 pm
A Prep List will be sent when you register
February ‘25
“Basics and Way Beyond!”
Monday 3 February in my Toowoomba Studio
from 9.30 till 3.30 pm
Private workshop with a Queensland Quilters’ interest group.
Web Workshops via Zoom recommence on Thursday mornings and Saturday afternoons.
TOPIC 1: Liquid Radiance: Let’s Get Started … Prac sessions to introduce you to the simplicity of working with these colours and develop your own hand-designed fabrics, uniquely yours.
Allow 2 to 2 1/2 hours per session.
Thursday 6 Feb at 9.30 am
Saturday 8 Feb at 2 pm
TOPIC 2: Working with Flat Paints for Fabric Art … Prac sessions, exploring a range of printing, stamping and stencilling techniques using our own exclusive fabric paints that leave fabric soft to touch. Paints are fully washable and light-fast.
Allow 2 to 2 1/2 hours per session.
Thursday 27Feb at 9.30 am
Saturday 1 March at 2 pm
Not on my mailing list but interested in participating with us? It will be my pleasure to have you join in the fun! Contact me for more information.
Sensational Silk Workshops begin via Zoom … a course of four prac lessons to explore the fascination of traditional silk painting from basics to blending skills and lots more.
DATES: Tuesdays 11 & 25 Feb, then 11 & 25 March
START TIME: 9.30 am. Allow approx 2 1/2 hours per session.
“A Taste of Creativity” - Bunbury WA
Thursdays 13 & 20 Feb - 11 am till 2.30 pm
(WA times)
An introductory hands-on workshop using
Liquid Radiance colours, with the
Bunbury Art and Craft Group members. There’ll be a break for a quick lunch during our program.
VENUE: Prac via Zoom
March ‘25
ATTENTION: Second session of FEB TOPIC 2 will be held on Sat 1 March. For details, see Feb column.
“A Taste of Creativity” - Crows Nest SEQ
Tuesday 4 March - 9.30 am till 12.30 noon
An introductory hands-on workshop using
Liquid Radiance colours, with the
Quilting and Craft Group members.
VENUE: St Matthew’s Church Hall, Crows Nest
Specialist Workshops
Painting Flowers
A course of SIX PRAC lessons via Zoom,
to understand the use of colour to create shape, while painting flowers that look real!
Thursday mornings - 9.30 am till 12.30 pm
Saturday afternoons - 2 till 5 pm
[All times AEST. Each Saturday session is a repeat of the preceding Thursday workshop]
COURSE COMMENCES: Thu 6 & Sat 8 March
Thu 13 & 20 Mar, 3 & 10 April, and 1 & 8 May
Sat 15 & 22 Mar, 5 & 12 April, and 3 & 10 May
With a week or sometimes more of between sessions, participants have plenty of time to practise the skills and complete homework.
A couple of places remaining in this course.
Numbers are capped to help you make the most of this learning experience.
Sensational Silk Workshops continue on Tuesdays 11 & 25 via Zoom. See February column.
For all Zoom sessions, Thursday morning programs are repeated on Saturday afternoons. If you need to swap sessions, simply let me know. LINKS are sent on the Tuesday before the advertised dates. For Prac sessions, the Prep List is sent as soon as you register so you can have your colours, paints and other requirements ready for the session. Doing the techniques as I teach them is optional, but GREAT if you can, to reinforce your learning experience.