About the Ed Centre
Twenty-five years ago, our Genesis Creations business began with an idea. Having taught fabric designing and silk painting within other businesses for over 26 years, and with that time coming to an end quite suddenly, I decided it was time to design my OWN products and have them made exclusively for us by an Australian manufacturer, and to my own specifications for performance.
As a former high school teacher, it is my genuine pleasure to help others enjoy the creativity that I am passionate about.
As Albert Einstein expressed it, “Intelligence is creativity having fun!” Let’s have fun … together …
Join in the hands-on workshops in my Studio, or catch up with me in person during my Web Workshop programs via zoom. Can’t make it to Toowoomba, or find a convenient time slot for zooming? Lots of what I teach in person is there for you when you check into my YouTube channel, and that library of resources will grow and grow. Once a teacher, always a teacher, they say :)
Enjoy the safety and simplicity - and economy - of our Australian made colours and paints, and know that I am always available to help you to make the most of our goodies. Phone me, email me, tell me what you’d like to create, talk to me about your own projects … there’s a whole world of ideas and inspirations to delve into as you travel around the pages of this Education Centre !!!